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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2020

How to Lose 106 Pounds in 3 months ? ( Success Story)

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  This is Rebecca from California. She said “could easily down a pitcher of margaritas and 20 buffalo wings at happy hour,” and smoked a pack-and-a-half to two packs of cigarettes every day for 14 years. While she quit smoking after getting pregnant with her first child in 2013, she kept her unhealthy eating habits until she began having health problems after having her third child. She joined Keto Diet plan and dropped from 238 pounds  to 132 pounds by cooking and watching her portions. She lost 106 pounds in just 3 months. What She Eats Now: Roy eats six small meals a day and still allows herself the occasional fast food burger — but will only eat half. Her Workouts Now: She stays motivated to stay in shape by competing in bodybuilding competitions. Her Best Weight Loss Tip: She uses a slow cooker to prepare healthy meal “That makes my life so much easier. I’ll put some chicken in in the morning and it’s done for dinner ============== Read more : Keto Diet Explained on Fox New

How to Lose 70 Pounds in 3 Months ? ( Success Story)

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  Amelia began gaining weight when she got into an unhealthy relationship and stopped spending time with friends or going to the gym. After getting out of the relationship, she decided it was time to make a change — especially since she worked in the health profession. “As a nurse, I wanted to be the healthiest version of myself that I could be,I didn’t want to be a walking contradiction to my patients, promoting healthy living but not being healthy myself.” Amelia said The Middlesex, England-based nurse, 27, decided to join Keto Diet to take control of her health.  After 3 months ( May 2019 to August 2019) Amelia lost total 70 pounds. What She Eats Now: Amelia went from skipping meals and snacking throughout the day to sticking to set meal times by Custom Keto plan “I eat a lot of the same meals as before, but I’ve learned how to make them differently so they’re healthier, like using lean meat and making sauces from scratch." Her Workouts Now: Amelia loves group exercise c